With a flavor that can only be described as heavenly, who doesn’t love chocolate? While chocolate products may be high in sugar and fat, we’ve got good news for you! There is a chocolate out there that is not just delicious, but considered healthy! If you’ve dreamt...
The Superfood for November is Goji berries. Native to Asia, this sweet, slightly sour brightly colored fruit has been used as a medicinal herb and food supplement for more than 2,000 years. What makes goji berries so good? Goji berries are called a superfood because...
October’s Super Food is the Chia Seed. The tiny black seeds are among the most nutritious foods on the planet. They’re loaded with nutrients that can have important benefits for your body and brain. Chia Seeds Deliver a Massive Amount of Nutrients These tiny seeds are...
Every month Sonoma Hills will be featuring a Super Food. The Super Food for September is acai berries. What Are Acai Berries? Acai berries are small round fruit that grows on acai palm trees in the rainforests of Central and South America. They have dark purple skin...